Pirkei Avos 'Moshe received the Torah* from Mount Sinai' (1.1) The Mishnah* should have said, 'on Mount Sinai' [and not from Mount Sinai.] It seems that we can explain it this way. The Torah says that 'the man Moshe was more humble then any other man.' Likewise when he was in Egypt he said, 'Who am I that I should go... will I then take [this people out of Egypt?' However] when HaShem said to Moshe that he was going to give the Torah through him and he would be the teacher of all Israel, he didn't protest at all. Where was his humility then? However the truth is the exact opposite. Moshe observed that the Torah was to be given on Mount Sinai. Chazal* teach that it was chosen because it was the smallest of the mountains. Moshe saw that the Torah was not being given except on the smallest and least significant place of all. He was then pleased that the Torah could be given through him since he [felt that he] was the least of all of the Jewish people. And for this reason it says, 'Moshe received the Torah'. Since he was so humble how could he do that? To answer this it says, 'FROM Mount Sinai.' He learned [this lesson] from Sinai. The Torah was given on it and not on any of the taller mountains, because it was the smallest of them all. He was then willing to allow the Torah to be given through him [being the smallest of all Jews.] (p. 104 sefer Kedushas Levi teachings of Rebbe Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev.) * * * ************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1997 by Moshe Shulman All rights reserved. Issur Hasugas Givil